Profile PictureRichard Kovacs

Pay Per Use ChatGPT Chat Window

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Pay Per Use ChatGPT Chat Window


Would you like to try ChatGPT Plus for a fraction of its monthly cost?

Say no more because, with this chat window, you can use the underlying language model almost in the same fashion as with ChatGPT.

This lightweight chat application runs locally on your computer and uses the OpenAI API to communicate with the GPT-3.5 model.

You only have to create an API Key, insert it in its place, and you are good to go.

Once you have this chat app, you will only pay for what you use.


  1. Create an OpenAI account if you do not have one already:
  2. Go to your account settings:
  3. Note the Organization ID. You will need it later.
  4. Create a new API key here:
  5. Write down the API key somewhere because you will need it later, and once you close the window on the above page, you won't see the code again.
  6. Download the ZIP file in this product.
  7. Unpack it somewhere
  8. In index.js, replace
    1. <YOUR-ORGANIZATION-ID> with the Organization ID from Step 3. (Line 10 of index.js)
    2. <YOUR-API-KEY> with the API key from Step 5. (Line 11 of index.js)
  9. Install node.js on your computer.
    1. Anything above Node.js 16.19.0 is probably okay.
  10. Open a terminal in the directory where you unpacked the files.
  11. Run npm i

Start the application

  1. Run npm start
  2. Your application is available at http://localhost:3000


  • It does not have any message memory. You can't refer back to previous messages.
  • You don't see it typing the words. You get the whole message when it finishes writing.
  • You can copy code blocks by hand, but there is no copy button.
  • The format of the output in some cases is different than in ChatGPT.
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